On the 8th December I had to hand in a proposal of what I was going to do for this module, and it was a detailed plan of what my idea was about and what I was going to do as my practical piece. After the Christmas break I got my feedback from my proposal and what my Tutor thinks about my ideas and what I should do to improve it. Here is a copy of the feedback, so that I can look back at it and see what I need to do to improve and add to my research throughout working.
O The first point made is that I need to make a more in-depth research base for this assignment.
O I also need to remember that it is a 40 credit module ... ALOT of work needed for this !!!!
O I know that the method behind my practical plan is good, but need to make more storyboards.
O Research in depth the 'relationship between body and mind'.
O Research in depth the 'recreational activity and benefits offered by exercise'.
O I need to make sure I have a strong foundation for my practical film.
O Need to be thinking about academic content & influential artists.
O I need to be thinking about what I am going to write my essay about.
O Get my in-depth research up-to-date to allow time for my practical film.
O My methodology in on track, now to really research about this topic !!!
With all these points to look back on, I now plan to get up-to-date with plenty of research of the base and strong foundation for my project.
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